Guide to recovery through activity - a gradual approach for ostomates

Join to discuss physical recovery through activity and hear how two ostomates learned from their own recovery and are now helping others. Charlotte and Joel will both share their ostomy journeys and give tips on how to incorporate exercise in your life.
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    Elizabeth Collins
    Coloplast Care Advisor
    I have been an ostomy advisor and Coloplast employee for 11 years. Every day I help guide ostomates through their journey with intimate product and lifestyle needs through the Coloplast Care program. I am passionate about enabling ostomates to live the lives they want to live. Listen to real stories of how my mission to be a robust resource is making lives easier.
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    Joel Nixon
    Personal Trainer
    I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2007. In 2016, I had surgery for an ileostomy. Fitness helped me so much mentally and physically after recovering - so much so that I changed my career to be a personal trainer. It became my passion to help ostomates cope with their new lifestyle, break the stigma of people with ostomies, and show that we can still live our life to the fullest!
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    Charlotte Foley
    Charlotte Foley received her Occupational Therapy degree at Boston University and began her career in the adult Inpatient Rehabilitation setting. She now works in the adult Acute Care setting at Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Because of her own personal and professional experience, Charlotte founded and runs her own education and consulting business, Restorative Ostomy Solutions, to empower a better physical recovery for individuals following ostomy surgery. She has had a permanent ileostomy since 2013 due to IBD, and because of her background and professional experience she advocates for more patients to receive PT & OT services after their ostomy surgery.
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    Information from Coloplast® Care is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. You should rely on the healthcare professional who knows your individual history for personal medical advice and diagnosis.

    The information presented or discussed may not be representative of all patient outcomes. Each person's situation is unique and risks, outcomes, experiences and results may vary. Please see complete product instructions for use, including all product indications, precautions, warnings and adverse events.

    All speakers have been compensated for their participation in this presentation

    Call your healthcare provider if you have any medical concerns about managing your ostomy. You may also contact your Coloplast Consumer Care Advisor for product usage and availability questions at 1-877-858-2656.