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Imported eggs: time to crack down?

About This Webinar

With a prevalence of salmonella outbreaks across Europe being linked with eggs, is now the time to crack down in the UK? Food safety expert Sterling Crew discusses the latest developments in salmonella control in eggs, including a new ‘British Lion Code’. He’ll also be talking about why we’ve seen an increase in imported eggs in Britain and why EHOs should have eggs at the top of their agenda for any visit to a foodservice venue.

Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
CEnvH FCIEH President of the Institute of Food, Science and Technology
Sterling is a food safety advocate with 40 ' experience working in the food industry. He has experience working in the fields of food safety, governance, horizon scanning, sustainability and innovation. Sterling is an experienced food sector Director, who holds a portfolio of board positions.

Sterling is President of the Institute of Food Science and Technology. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of the Food Authenticity Network and co-Founder of Kitchen. He is a Managing Director of SQS, Strategic Advisor at Shield Safety Group and to Dynamic Risk Indicator. Additionally, he also sits on the audit governance board at Eurofins.He is also independent scientific and regularly adviser to Olio the food waste app, Highfield training, and British Lion Mark.
Webinar hosting presenter
The British Lion Code of Practice is the UK’s most successful food safety scheme. More than 90% of UK eggs are now produced to British Lion standards and more than 150 billion British Lion eggs have been produced since its launch in 1998. In 2017, the Food Standards Agency confirmed that Lion eggs are the only ones that are safe to be consumed runny, or even raw, by vulnerable groups.

All eggs that carry the British Lion mark meet the stringent requirements of the British Lion Code of Practice which ensures the highest standards of food safety. The independently audited code contains strict food safety controls above and beyond EU and UK legislation, and covers more than 700 auditable points from Salmonella vaccination to complete traceability of hens, eggs and feed.
Hosted By
CIEH webinar platform hosts Imported eggs: time to crack down?
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
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