Do you struggle to find time to write? Is your attention constantly divided? In this presentation, Rhonda will discuss principles and strategies for cultivating “deep work” habits, drawing on Cal Newport’s bestselling book Deep Work as well as the Dominican Four Pillars, The Intellectual Life by A.G. Sertillanges, O.P.; The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, and The Quotidian Mysteries by Kathleen Norris.
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    Catholic Writers Conference Chairpersons
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    Joseph Scordato
    Writer and Podcaster
    Secular Franciscan. Father of seven amazing children and hopelessly in love with my wife. Together we dramatize and create music for the childhood stories I've written for them on our podcast, Catholic Family Stories.
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    Jason Miller
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    Rhonda Ortiz
    Rhonda Ortiz is a lay Dominican, award-winning novelist, nonfiction writer, and founding editor of Chrism Press. Find her online at