By using both the 'science' of copywriting and the 'art' of storytelling, we can draw readers into our writing and help them engage with our message by weaving just the right stories into our pieces.
  • 1738417025-2defde1f224e811b
    Karina Fabian
  • 1673139670-f69b210e1295764f
    Claire Dwyer
    I am a woman reclaimed by Christ, a grateful daughter of the Catholic Church, a wife, mom, student of the interior life, writer and speaker.

    Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I received a degree in Theology - and a husband! - from Franciscan University of Steubenville and transplanted to the desert of Phoenix, where I live with my husband and the five of our six kids still at home. Our oldest is about to be married, so I look forward to entering a new season of motherhood.

    I work as Marketing Manager of the Avila Foundation and as editor and contributor of its primary website,
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    Catholic Writers Conference Chairpersons