Learn how to create a winning website from the creator of Legend Fiction!
Karina Fabian
Dominic de Souza
SmartCatholics and Legend Fiction founder | Marketer & storyteller. Geeks over epics, mystics, science, the angelic, & movies
I am riveted by the Catholic frontier between faith, science, and history. I converted from radical traditionalism by a strange route – through archaeology. That led me to quantum physics, psychoanalysis and mythology, evolution and angels, and our Holy Father Pope Francis.
Below I’ve broken out some of the topics I am always reading, learning about, or watching movies on. The research lists are authors I appreciate and/or am wrestling with.
I believe it’s important to read widely, from all sides, and to celebrate the good, true, and beautiful wherever it is found.
Colleen Pressprich
A former missionary and former Montessori teacher, Colleen Pressprich seeks to use the lessons she learned in the mission field and the classroom to live her dream homeschooling and building the domestic church. Colleen lives with her husband and children in Michigan, where they enjoy everything about spring, summer, and fall, and hate the winters. She is the author of Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children and The Women Doctors of the Church. She writes regularly for Our Sunday Visitor and Unleash the Gospel