Join the Polite education team in collaboration with the Cannabis Business Alliance, as we continue our series on women's health with Part 2 on Menopause.

Menopause is a natural part of aging that for many, develops gradually between the ages of 45 to 55. Technically, it occurs as the ovaries stop producing eggs and the production of estrogen and progesterone declines but can also occur if ovaries are damaged by certain diseases, cancer treatments, or are surgically removed.

The transition from regular to irregular periods, and then stopping permanently is called perimenopause, and can begin for some as early as in their mid-30's. During this time, mild to severe symptoms may start to be felt, with hot flashes being the most common, but also including chills, decreased libido, fatigue, mood changes, vaginal dryness, and poor sleep. As more people gain access to cannabis and hemp products, there is little research or medical guidance on how to best utilize them for menopause support which is why it is so important to provide credible knowledge on this topic.

Our guests will be sharing their expert and personal experiences on effective ways that cannabinoids have been used to manage menopause symptoms, and shed light on how to best prepare your mind and body to embrace the changes that come with this important stage of life.

  • Key health and wellness symptoms and concerns throughout menopause
  • Cannabinoids and their impact on changing hormone levels
  • How to utilize cannabinoids for relief throughout perimenopause and menopause
  • Considerations for use with traditional treatments such as hormone therapy
Patricia A Patton
Patricia has been writing, advocating, and re-imagining the cannabis space since 2018. She is the founder of the Cannabis Business Alliance, a B2B member organization of businesses who do not touch the plant. She is also the host of the podcast "Me & Mary Jane", with a mission to demystify and amplify the science emerging regarding the benefits of cannabis as medicine.
Mary Szomjassy
Chief Clinical Officer, Canvas Therapeutics / Polite / Revida Labs
Mary holds an M.Ed from WWU and has been focused on the study of cannabinoid pharmacology and practical applications for over two decades. She enjoys active collaboration with researchers from various disciplines in cannabis, medicine and education. Mary is dedicated to studying trends in data and patient responses to help guide medical professionals and patients towards developing a greater understanding of the beneficial impacts of purposeful cannabinoid formulations and dosing protocols. She focuses on sharing her expertise at the Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute in Seattle as well as lecturing through international medical conferences including Cambia Palliative Care Conference, UW; Swedish Oncology Symposium among others.
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