Conflict resolution starts with you. It starts with your willingness to consider your own bias and examine how you are expressing yourself. Whether you are in conflict yourself or facilitating conversations with plenty of conflict in them, your approach can make all the difference in whether or not you and those in your world move towards mutual understanding.
Conflict resolution starts with you. It starts with your willingness to consider your own bias and examine how you are expressing yourself. Whether you are in conflict yourself or facilitating conversations with plenty of conflict in them, your approach can make all the difference in whether or not you and those in your world move towards mutual understanding.
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    Founder, Precipice
    Kerri Robinson (She/Her) has worked on high-stakes capital projects conducting large-scale stakeholder engagement on capital projects from functional programming to detailed design through to commissioning and addressing deficiencies. She has worked with diverse teams to identify capital requirements for planning, managed the multi-facets of equipping a new healthcare facility, and created comprehensive budgets anticipating future escalation, changes in exchange rates and contracting increases. Kerri has shifted the infrastructure and foundation of the organization, one project at a time.

    As public servants, this duo has worked with hundreds of leaders and teams to improve healthcare for all Albertans.
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    Founder, Precipice
    Jess Robinson - Lychak (She/Her) worked on the engagement strategy for the new Calgary Cancer Centre and, more recently, in leadership and team development across the public healthcare sector. She has extensive experience facilitating learning and working with over 75 leaders and teams on optimizing their communication, conflict agility, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, and collaboration. Jess has worked to shift the culture of the organization, one team, and one person at a time.