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Welcome and Introduction (5 minutes)

Briefly introduce the purpose of the webinar and the importance of employee insights in AI initiatives.
Understanding the Role of Employee Insights in AI (10 minutes)

Explore the significance of employee insights in driving successful AI initiatives.
Discuss how employee perspectives and feedback can enhance AI development and implementation.
Collecting and Leveraging Employee Insights (10 minutes)

Highlight various methods and tools for collecting employee insights.
Discuss best practices for gathering valuable feedback and opinions from employees.
Analyzing and Applying Employee Insights (10 minutes)

Explore techniques for analyzing and interpreting employee insights.
Discuss how to identify trends and patterns in employee feedback to inform AI initiatives.
Overcoming Challenges in Utilizing Employee Insights (10 minutes)

Address common challenges and obstacles faced when utilizing employee insights.
Discuss strategies for overcoming resistance, building trust, and ensuring anonymity in the feedback process.
Case Studies: Real-World Examples (10 minutes)

Present case studies showcasing organizations that have successfully leveraged employee insights to fuel their AI initiatives.
Highlight the impact of employee-driven AI improvements on business outcomes.
Q&A and Discussion (15 minutes)

Open the floor for questions, comments, and discussion.
Encourage participants to share their experiences and insights related to leveraging employee feedback in AI initiatives.
Wrap-up and Key Takeaways (5 minutes)

Summarize the main points discussed during the webinar.
Emphasize the importance of unlocking employee insights to drive successful AI initiatives.
Provide any additional resources or next steps for further exploration.
Note: The agenda is designed for a 60-minute webinar, and the timings are adjusted accordingly to ensure a focused and concise session.
Friday, June 30, 2023 · 1:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend
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Hosted By Brain Dump.Tech

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