• About
    For the third of our three-part webinar series, we will take a view on the next 30 years and longer-term priorities to decarbonise the sector and fulfil rail’s potential for modal shift.

    Rail isn’t always the answer - sometimes other forms of transport do the job cheaper and more conveniently.

    But what if the answer lies partly in getting passengers to a station more easily and how might removing these barriers boost active travel and support decarbonisation of the wider transport network? Part of Great British Railway’s role will be to understand the role of rail in local transport systems so how will it work with operators, local authorities and other partner organisations to develop integrated plans to improve access? What practical interventions should be made and how can thinking about rail in this way boost demand?
    What needs to happen now to ensure rail achieves its potential in the next 30 years?

    Speakers will include:
    Silka Kennedy-Todd, Integrated Travel Lead, GBRTT
    Norman Baker, Director for External Affairs, Campaign for Better Transport
    Joost Noordewier, Customer Experience Director, West Coast Partnership
    Ian Baxter, Strategy Director, SLC

    Plus more to be announced very shortly

  • Duration
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.