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Dr. Sandra Godden, University of Minnesota presents, "Colostrum is Liquid Gold - Now let's get the most we can out of it"
Professor, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Sandra Godden spends much of her time researching Animal science, Herd, Dairy cattle, Colostrum and Veterinary medicine. She interconnects Endocrinology and Ice calving, Lactation, Milk yield in the investigation of issues within Animal science. The concepts of her Herd study are interwoven with issues in Internal medicine and Forage.

Her work in Dairy cattle covers topics such as Food science which are related to areas like Weaning, Body weight and Partial budgeting. Her Colostrum study combines topics in areas such as Titer and Radial immunodiffusion. Her Veterinary medicine study integrates concerns from other disciplines, such as Feces, Mastitis, Urine, Milk sample and Somatic cell count.
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