Whether you’re an investigator for a government agency or you’re an eDiscovery examiner for a private firm, you know the importance of finding your actionable intelligence as quickly as possible. For the law enforcement officer, you want to find your evidence quickly for an arrest and conviction so you can move on to the next case. Or maybe you work for an eDiscovery firm and you have a critical deadline you need to meet. Your list of incoming cases never stops and triaging your devices can help cut down the time spent on each case. Not only is triaging important to find your evidence quickly, but it can also be useful to limit the scope of your search. With courts becoming more restrictive (especially here in CA), it may become necessary to limit the data extracted from a device. Whatever tools you have in your toolbox, I’ll give you some things to think about when evaluating what software to purchase or renew. I will also highlight features of XRY and XAMN to triage devices and get you the actionable intelligence you’re seeking.
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    Kevin Kyono
    Technical Sales Engineer, MSAB
    Kevin has been a Technical Sales Engineer at MSAB for nearly two years. He joined MSAB after a 27 year career with the San Jose Police Department. While at the police department, Kevin was assigned to the detective bureau for eight years. During those eight years, he was a forensics examiner in the High Technology Crimes Unit investigating crimes ranging from homicide and robbery to fraud and larceny. Kevin was also the Forensics Team Leader in the Silicon Valley ICAC Task Force. His team was responsible for the arrest and conviction of dozens of child predators. At the end of his law enforcement career, Kevin was the ESD K-9 Handler for the Task Force. ESD K-9’s are capable of locating concealed electronic storage devices like hard drives, cell phones, thumb drives and even the smallest micro SD cards. Kevin’s K-9, Heidi, is enjoying retirement while Kevin is still helping the cause by assisting law enforcement in his capacity as a Sales Engineer at MSAB.