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Over the past year, Mike Raggo and Chet Hosmer have performed GEO OSINT analysis of events to analyze the different types of behaviors, sentiment, and disinformation associated with them. This has enabled them to map out TTPs used by individuals and groups to twist narratives and mislead perceptions. This can disrupt an investigation and therefore requires enhanced analysis to uncover altered images, geolocation breadcrumbs, sentiment, and more to build a chronology of events. In this session, the audience will be walked through their analysis to help investigators bring further intelligence to their data acquisitions and drive deeper investigation into meaningful artifacts. Demonstrations will also be included to brighten the methodologies used for the analysis.

Learning Objectives
- Steps to performing GEO OSINT analysis
- How to uncover disinformation, TTPs, and sentiment
- Using the data to assemble a chronolocation of bread crumbs critical to the investigation