This presentation focuses on the use of social media for computational propaganda and other nefarious uses such as Echo Chambers targeting Twitter. The presentation will also include a demonstration of Python based GEO-OSINT application to acquire LIVE open-source intelligence from tweets and the associated images, videos, and translated emojis from geographically bounded areas anywhere in the world. As you may know Twitter routinely removes tweets and images from their platform based on policy violations and other influences. By acquiring them as they occur provides both timely access to live events, as well as the ability to preserve future redacted information. Chet and Mike will provide details of the approach including examples of Python code along with a live demonstration.
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    Mike Raggo
    CEO, SilentSignals
    Michael T. Raggo has over 20 years of security research experience. During this time, he has uncovered and ethically disclosed vulnerabilities in products including Samsung, Checkpoint, and Netgear. His research has been highlighted on television’s CNN Tech, and numerous media publications including TIME, Forbes, Bloomberg, Dark Reading, TechCrunch, TechTarget, The Register, and countless others. Michael is the author of Mobile Data Loss: Threats & Countermeasures and Data Hiding: Exposing Concealed Data in Multimedia, Operating Systems, Mobile Devices and Network Protocols for Syngress Books co-authored with Chet Hosmer, and is a contributing author to Information Security the Complete Reference 2nd Edition. His Data Hiding book is also included at the NSA’s National Cryptologic Museum at Ft. Meade. A former security trainer, Michael has briefed international defense agencies including the FBI, Pentagon, and Queensland Police; is a former participating member of FSISAC/BITS and PCI Council, and is a frequent presenter at security conferences, including Black Hat, DEF CON, Gartner, RSA, DoD Cyber Crime, OWASP, HackCon Norway, and SANS. He was also awarded the Pentagon’s Certificate of Appreciation.
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    Chet Hosmer
    Chief Scientist, SilentSignals
    Chet Hosmer is the Founder of Python Forensics, Inc., a non-profit organization focused on the collaborative development of open source investigative technologies utilizing Python and other popular scripting languages. Chet has been researching and developing technologies and training surrounding forensics, digital investigation and steganography for multiple decades. He has made numerous appearances to discuss emerging cyber threats, including interviews on National Public Radio’s Kojo Nnamdi show, ABC’s Primetime Thursday, and ABC News Australia. He has also been a frequent contributor to technical and news stories relating to cyber security and forensics with the IEEE, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Government Computer News, and Wired Magazine. Chet has currently authored seven books which are used in classrooms worldwide. They are: PowerShell and Python Together – Targeting Digital Investigations; Defending IoT Infrastructures with a Raspberry Pi; Passive Python Network Mapping; Python Forensics; Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensic Platforms; Data Hiding which is co/authored with Mike Raggo; and Executing Windows Command Line Investigation, which is co/authored with Joshua Bartolomie and Ms. Rosanne Pelli. Chet serves as an assistant professor of practice at the University of Arizona, where he is teaching and researching advanced cybersecurity methods and machine learning solutions using Python.