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When conducting research for sensitive investigations online, there are countless ways traditional browsers pass information about you to the sites you visit. These details can tip off investigative targets and adversaries as to who you are, what organization you work for and why you might be snooping around their site. However, efforts to spoof your identity or search anonymously can also arouse suspicion and put your investigation at risk. In this session, we’ll discuss how attribution works; how it can be exploited; and tools and tradecraft to properly manage attribution in a way that protects your investigation.
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    Jeff Phillips
    Director of Product Marketing, Authentic8
    Jeff Phillips is the director of product marketing for Authentic8 where he focuses on customer needs and driving product go-to-market strategy. Jeff has more than 20 years of product marketing experience, including seven years at Microsoft. He brings a successful history of launching products and SaaS offerings at both startups and Fortune 100 companies.