Thursday, 29/05/2025 · 1:00 p.m.
Sydney (GMT +10:00)
Cost: Free
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Robert Busuttil
Robert Busuttil is the Specialist Engineer Pavement Surfacing Technology at the Department of Transport and Planning (Transport Victoria). He is currently the Chair of the Austroads - Bituminous Surfacings Technical Group (BSTG), Australian Standards Committee CH025 (Bitumen and Related Products for Roadmaking) and is the Project Manager for this project. He has worked in the past as a technical expert for the Department for Infrastructure and Transport South Australia and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.
Robert Urquhart
Robert is the Discipline Leader of Material Performance at the National Transport Research Organisation. He has over 25 years of experience in the area of bituminous binders, and he has updated several different Austroads PMB test methods over the past 10 years.