The AUSA Coffee Series provides Army senior leaders an opportunity to discuss important updates on key Army initiatives and priorities.

Our audience consists of a mix of Army staff, industry partners, CASAs and military/veteran services organizations, congressional staff, foreign attachés, think tanks, and local and national media.

Join us for this timely presentation on 18 January. There’s no cost to participate in the virtual session. No Q&A will be provided for virtual attendees. Register today!
  • 6:30 am – 7:00 am: Coffee/Tea, Networking (in person only)
  • 7:00 am – 7:20 am: Plated Breakfast (in person only)
  • 7:20 am – 7:45 am: Presentation (web cast will begin)
  • 7:45 am – 8:00 am: Questions from the in-person audience (Time permitting)
GEN James C. McConville
Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
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