In this session you will discuss the issues you face at the moment, and look at practical ways to embed digital safeguarding into your organisations. At the end of session each participant will have the opportunity to develop an action plan to take forward over the next month.

Live session on 7 April 10am-1pm
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    AVA Project
    AVA is an expert, groundbreaking and independent charity working across the UK.

    Our vision
    A world without gender based violence and abuse.

    Our mission
    Working with survivors to end gender-based violence by championing evidence-based change.

    Our guiding principles
    Survivors are at the heart of everything we do.
    As a feminist organisation, we understand that ending violence and abuse means challenging societal attitudes in order to change the behaviour of individual perpetrators.
    AVA is a fiercely independent organisation. We are informed by the lived experience of survivors, robust evidence and a passion for equality.
    We can make more of a difference in partnership than alone. We all have a responsibility to work together to end violence against women and girls.
    We strive to take an intersectional approach to all that we do.
  • E
    Eva Kestner
    AVA's Resources Director
    Eva joined AVA in March 2017 after several years working in front line politics in Scotland and London. In these roles she predominantly worked on issues around inequalities and health, including leading on a consultation on achieving women's equality. She has previously ran a parliamentary office and enjoys developing her skills in financial management. She holds a MSc in public communication management and is currently undertaking a diploma in economics.