With the fear of a recession on the horizon, many companies have resorted to layoffs and budget cuts to survive. At the same time, tech is experiencing an unprecedented boom in AI and automation innovation. When your business growth is uncertain, how can you leverage your service desk to become future-proof?

Join this VB Spotlight to identify the tasks you should be automating in IT, which when done right, can help improve customer experience, decrease IT service desk calls by 40%, and reduce end-user down-time.
  • Core factors to evaluate the current state of your business and service desk
  • Transform and simplify your IT processes with automation
  • Accelerate delivery of internal processes and services
My experience covers many 100s of service improvement projects, mainly in IT Service Management, but also in CRM, Contact Centre and other service delivery areas. I'm a member of the ITIL4 Architect team - Lead Editor on the Create, Deliver and Support publication and co-author of ITIl4 Foundation. Previously I also co-authored the ITIL Practitioner programme and am also a co-author of the SDI Service Desk Certification standard.

I have a long-standing relationship with SDI as an associate, delivering consultancy and auditing. I have also been voted on the HDI 'top 25 thought leaders' list from 2017 - 2022. I am currently working with CDW UK on service management/ESM development. I'm also the co-host of the Enterprise Digital podcast.
Jeffrey Jacoby is the Services Team Lead for TOPdesk America. For almost a decade, he has provided support for IT Help Desk leaders including optimizing digital workflows, improving processes, and enabling automation. He provides thought leadership on service desk structures designed to adapt and grow with businesses.
Arthur Cole is a technology journalist and enthusiast who has been covering the high-tech industry for more than 30 years. His contributions appear regularly in numerous industry trade publications as well as on the pages of vendors in the server, storage, networking and cloud industries.