Whether it’s group training in the workplace or the classroom, traditional instruction has fallen short of inclusive learning styles resulting in higher operational and training costs. Educators and employers are spending hours developing lessons that elicit little emotional connection resulting in the need for longer instruction time. Immersive curriculum through VR aims to curb this trend, showing institutions and organizations a whole new way of one-to-many instruction.

Enterprises have adopted VR training for hands-on job instruction, and are now expanding into training soft-skills in the same way. Employers can now build custom learning modules to build role-specific instruction in areas like DEI, Sales, and Leadership Development, along with industry-specific training for healthcare and insurance.

Tune-in as the CEO of Talespin, the COO of ArborXR, and HTC VIVE discuss how virtual reality is paving the way to inclusive learning.

Saturday, May 4, 2024 · 8:16 p.m. Pacific Time (US & Canada) (GMT -7:00)
  • Peer studies on why immersive learning is gaining in popularity
  • How VR is increasing instructional inclusion while reducing costs
  • The approach institutions are taking to build immersive learning experiences
  • Why human-centered design is essential to soft skills training
Troy Wood
Executive Director of Partner Marketing
Kyle Jackson
Co-Founder/CEO of Talespin
Brad Scoggin
Co-Founder/CEO of Arbor XR