About this Event

Join Physical Product CEO groups, Colorado Innovators, and Front Range Inventor group will be screening of "Invalidated: The Shredding of the U.S. Patent System" and live Q&A on today's patent issues.

A complimentary screening of Invalidated: The Shredding of the U.S. Patent System, starring inventor Josh Malone, followed by a open panel to discuss innovation and patent issues in our nation, and how you can play an active part. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be provided.


• Josh Malone - US Inventor; Inventor of Bunch-O-Balloons
• Laria Schneider - Founder; Schneider Law
• Charles Mason - Host; Physical Product CEO, Front Range Inventors, Colorado Innovators


7:00 to 8:00 PM: Inventor Reception / Meet and Greet
8:00 to 9:00 PM: Movie Screening
9:00 to 10:00 PM: Q&A Panel Discussion


DaVinci Institute
9191 N. Sheridan Blvd. Suite 300
Westminster, CO 80031


Hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be provided.


Watch the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thaqlchX0mE


When father of eight Josh Malone invents a genius way to fill 100 water balloons in 60 seconds, his invention Bunch-O-Balloons becomes an overnight success on Kickstarter and an international viral hit! Scrambling to get his idea to market and bring financial security to his family, he applies for a US patent. But, his plans of success are blindsided when his genius idea is stolen by a big company (an AS SEEN ON TV company) before he can make his first dime.

Thrust into a battle to save his invention he uncovers the shocking truth that our patent system has evolved to serve a corporate-government-legal industry at the expense of the inventors it was intended for. Learn how big tech companies and the USTPO are robbing American inventors of their ideas, their labor and their financial investments. Again, watch the official trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thaqlchX0mE

The film features interviews with experts like former Attorney General Ed Meese, Inventor and Congressional Representative Thomas Massie, Antonin Scalia Law Professor and IP expert Adam Mossoff provide shocking information about the state of the weakening US Patent system. Other inventors share their stories of theft, patent invalidation, and difficulty finding investors for their patented innovations. IPI's Tom Giovanetti, Ken Blackwell, Leonard Leo, Dr. Matthew Spalding, and Dan Schneider all provide valuable insights into how the current system is harming Americans and the American innovation economy.


Schneider Law - https://SchneiderIPLaw.com/
Josh Malone - Inventor of Bunch O Balloons - https://www.linkedin.com/in/malonejosh/
DaVinci Institute - https://DaVinciInstitute.com/coworking/
Physical Product CEO - Denver/Boulder, Colorado
Front Range Inventors - Denver, Colorado
Colorado Innovators - Golden, Colorado
Charles Mason - https://linkedin.com/in/charlesmason
US Inventor - https://www.usinventor.org


We look forward to the group growing and helping you grow. Contact us with any questions.
  • 7:00 to 8:00 PM: Inventor Reception / Meet and Greet
  • 8:00 to 9:00 PM: Movie Screening
  • 9:00 to 10:00 PM: Q&A Panel Discussion
  • 1582173027-c05b7f5a82f69eff
    Charlie Mason
  • Josh_malone
    Josh Malone
    Inventor Bunch-O-Ballons
    When father of eight Josh Malone invents a genius way to fill 100 water balloons in 60 seconds, his invention Bunch-O-Balloons becomes an overnight success on Kickstarter and an international viral hit! Scrambling to get his idea to market and bring financial security to his family, he applies for a US patent. But,his plans of success are blindsided when his genius idea is stolen by a big company (an AS SEEN ON TV company) before he can make his first dime.
  • L
    Laura Schneider
    Patent Lawyer - Laura Schneider http://Schneideriplaw.com
    Laura is a mechanical engineer with extensive experience managing the global portfolios of small- to mid-sized firms. Her background as a design and manufacturing engineer provides the necessary intuition for what makes a new design special.

    Laura earned her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station in 1998, and started her career in engineering, with emphasis on metalworking and short production-run, large component manufacturing. Laura’s first experience with intellectual property began with Hoffman Eitle European Patent Attorneys in Munich Germany in 2002. She became a registered patent agent in 2010, and earned her Juris Doctor degree from The University of Colorado, Boulder in 2013. Laura was admitted to the bar in 2014, and was an associate with Neugeboren O’Dowd PC in Boulder until she founded Schneider IP Law LLC.
  • K
    Kristina Hauser
    Casting Producer - All3Media
    Casting Producer - Tiki Casting is Kristina Hauser’s casting company. Our top-notch team is available to cast reality shows, game shows, docu-series, documentaries and re-enactment TV shows.

    Credits include: Are You the One?, Log Cabin Living, The Real World, Billion Dollar Buyer, Too Fat to Transition, The Biggest Loser, The Healer, and many more.