• About
    Ontario has made headlines in personal injury law with Bill 118 receiving Royal Assent in December 2020. Bill 118, known as the Occupier’s Liability Amendment Act, was designed to limit liability for slip and falls, amending the time limit to file a claim and mandating a written notice. These amendments are expected to have a significant impact on litigation, insurance, and client relationships as we adjust to the short time limit to report a claim and the written notice requirement. What happens if a plaintiff misses the two-month time limit? What public policy considerations will courts consider through this new lens? Will there be a big boom in litigation during the transition period? Does this change place plaintiffs at a disadvantage?

    • Review both the short- and long-term impacts of Bill 118
    • Discuss best practices in preparing yourself and your team for the change in slip-and-fall claims
    • Learn how to navigate the impact Bill 118 will have on the courts
    • Explore ways to prepare your client for these new requirements

    For enquiries, please contact soosyan.eng@keymedia.com
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Price
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