Theology of Revitalization
There is a crisis where churches continue to close their doors at an alarming rate. This talk advances the notion that the best place to start reversing this trend, is to absorb the astonishing and timeless picture of the resurrected and glorified Christ moving around the seven churches in the book of Revelation. The beginning chapters of Revelation inform us that Christ is actively concerned with the health and reformation of his churches. Christ’s words of encouragement and rebuke to these churches provide a set of prescriptions relevant for today’s times.
Andy Davis
Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Durham, NC
Dr. Andrew (Andy) M. Davis was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He later attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It was there at MIT that he earned his bachelor's degree in 1984. Afterward, Davis began working at Eaton-Nova Corporation (Beverly, Massachusetts) as a mechanical engineer. On May 14th,1988 Davis married Christine (Christi) Lee Rogers. Later in their marriage, they had two sons and three daughters.[6] Davis earned his Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary while still working as an engineer in 1990. Having resigned from his career in engineering, Davis went to pastor New Meadows Baptist Church in Topsfield, Massachusetts in 1992. In 1994, Davis and his family traveled to Tokushima, Japan, where they were involved in church planting. He earned a Ph.D. in Church History at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Davis became senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina in 1998.
This webinar will show you…
  • 1601072903-4497b405e260d84d
    The Churches of Revelation
    The prescriptions Jesus had for the churches in Revelation 1- 3 is highly relevant today.
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