• About
    Finding it hard to get technical talent? Experiencing the pain of a knowledgeable, long-term employee's retirement? Learn how plastics processors are training generative AIs on their operations and unlocking the value from their tribal knowledge.

    Plastics processors are training generative AI models on their operations — from machine manuals to tools, polymers, procedures, maintenance records and engineering projects.

    Applying generative AI in the right ways can lower plastics processors' costs, improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and upskill teams. In this webinar, you'll learn how to deploy AI technical assistants to your teams, what works and what doesn't, and how to use AI to build an organization that never loses tribal knowledge and fosters inter-team collaboration.

    Presented by:

    CognitionWorks logo
  • Agenda
    • What is generative AI and how can its cognitive abilities be applied to plastics?
    • Case study: how an injection molder trained a large language model on manuals and maintenance records to reduce downtime
    • Case study: using generative AI in engineering teams to improve product development
    • Live demonstration of a generative AI deep-trained on plastics knowledge
    • Looking to the future: five predictions for an AI-augmented workforce in plastics
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