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Retirement Roadmap (Evening - Session 1) - Hosted by Mark Fricks

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 · 6:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

No one wants to experience turbulence or obstacles on the journey to their golden years. With the proper planning, we can help ensure as few bumps and twists along the way.

Retirement Roadmap is a three-part course (two webinars and a one-on-one meeting) designed to inform you about how to simplify the retirement planning process. In today's complicated world, retirement is no longer a matter of turning on Social Security, collecting a pension, and sitting on your front porch. Retirement requires a plan that can move and change as your needs and the complexities of this world dictate.

Our mission is to empower baby boomers to face retirement worry-free and with confidence.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & President of MasterPlan Retirement Consultants
As president and founder of MasterPlan Retirement Consultants, Mark prides himself on providing clients the right tools for planning and execution of retirement strategies.

For nearly 30 years, he’s concentrated on helping clients strategically navigate their retirement income, while taking steps to make sure possible future risks are considered and that lifetime income strategies have been reviewed and implemented where appropriate.

Ethical in his practices and honest in his relationships, Mark focuses on continuously educating himself and his staff on financial-related issues. He serves his clients with integrity and they’re always the priority of the plan.

As an author, speaker and radio host, Mark finds himself on a constant quest to ensure his clients understand how their money is working for them and how planning can help them reach their retirement goals.

Mark has 3 adult children, 4 grandsons and a baby granddaughter. He is an ordained elder and is involved in international mission work.