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High- Quality Performant and Cost Efficient Schema - Aware Data Streams on Flink at Netflix Scale

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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
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Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
Jagannathrao Mudda is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix working in Consolidated Logging team. At Netflix, he is building schema-aware data streams of user behavior and application performance data that enables analytics and personalization using technologies such as Flink, Spark, Kafka, Hadoop etc. Prior to Netflix, he has several years of experience in leading software engineering teams for both large and small companies and building large scale, high-performance batch and real-time processing systems in domains such as online advertising and web analytics at Yahoo, data warehousing at BitYota, data platform at LifeLock/Symantec, and continuous data protection services at BMC Software.
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Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
Ramayan Tiwari is an engineer in the Consolidated Logging team at Netflix, where he oversees the ingestion and processing of user behavior and app analytics events. Ramayan's interest and expertise lie in building and operating large scale distributed systems, distributed data stores, and messaging systems. Before Netflix, Ramayan worked Cruise to develop storage solutions for events generated from self-driving cars, Salesforce in their distributed job scheduler, and Amazon's metadata service.
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Ververica webinar platform hosts High- Quality Performant and Cost Efficient Schema - Aware Data Streams on Flink at Netflix Scale
Ververica Webinars & Virtual Events
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