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Winner-Take-All to Co-Winning: New Strategies for Financing Housing Justice

Friday, June 18, 2021 · 10:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Look “under the hood” at two social impact real estate projects that are changing how we think/do affordable housing in the United State. South Central Bungalow Gardens is the first Bungalow Court project in Los Angeles in 70 years and the first crowd-funded homeless housing project in the nation. In Ohio, GoodRents is creating a new model for social impact housing investment— acquiring single family rental homes in transitional markets, then setting aside 5% of rents for the tenants to use as down payment assistance to buy the property back from GoodRents. In this breakout we’ll run through design and financing elements of both projects, and answer questions from the community.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Imagining Anew Specialist-Led Learning Breakout
Jason Neville is a social impact real estate entrepreneur living and working in Los Angeles. He is CEO of Building Blocks, an ADU design-permit-build company, and Deputy Director of Restore Neighborhoods Los Angeles, an affordable housing development nonprofit, which is nearing completion of the first crowd-funded homeless housing project in the nation. He also is a partner in GoodRents, a social impact real estate organization helping to address the racial wealth gap in Cleveland, Ohio by acquiring single family properties and selling them to first time homeowners.
Webinar hosting presenter
Imagining Anew Specialist-Led Learning Breakout Panel
Hosted By
thrivance group webinar platform hosts Winner-Take-All to Co-Winning: New Strategies for Financing Housing Justice
Destiny Thomas's webinars
Attended (22)