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· 2 hours 30 minutes

OVERNIGHT GROUNDING: The People’s Plan: Using Community-Based Research for Social Change

Friday, June 18, 2021 · 11:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

At the most fundamental level, community based research projects are a collaborative process between a community and researcher(s). By involving members of a community at multiple levels, and incorporating and validating multiple sources of knowledge, researchers have argued that a central goal of this method is to understand and support the specific community’s needs and foster social change accordingly. In this session, I overview some of the key lessons, methodologies, and considerations for developing a community-based research project, driven by community members and organizations.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Healing and Atonement Guest Teacher
David C. Turner III is an activist scholar from Inglewood, California. As a seasoned organizer, published author, and educator, David brings over a decade of experience to the classroom and community organizing, having helped students at various universities establish cultural centers, negotiate and win demands for racial justice, secure funding, divest resources from punitive and harmful institutions, and coordinate direct actions across the state of California and the nation, all while teaching at both the K-12 and the postsecondary level.

He currently works with Boys and Men of color in Los Angeles County as the Manager of the Brothers, Sons, Selves Coalition, a coalition of community-based organizations working to end the school-to-prison pipeline and decriminalize communities of color. As an activist, David has participated in the movement for Black lives as a political education and research specialist, helping organizations with teach-ins, designing curriculum, and community-based participatory action research surveys.
Hosted By
thrivance group webinar platform hosts OVERNIGHT GROUNDING: The People’s Plan: Using Community-Based Research for Social Change
Destiny Thomas's webinars
Attended (47)