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· 45 minutes

Nearing Retirement? Take Back Control of Your Financial Future

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 · 12:00 p.m. · Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

You’ve worked hard for the past 30 or 40 years, and you deserve to achieve the American Dream and retire with confidence – knowing that you can enjoy your life more and worry less about your money. Learn the strategies you can put in place today to take back financial control and help set you up for continued retirement success. By participating, you'll learn the strategies that you can put in place that can:

• Tell you the exact day that you can retire knowing you’ll have the income you need and want to support your lifestyle throughout retirement
• Protect your assets from market volatility while still allowing them to grow
• Maximize your Social Security payout over your lifetime
• Generate a steady income stream every month of every year in retirement through age 100
• Significantly lower your investment management fees which could save you thousands
• Keep more money in your pocket by sending less to the IRS

We’re certain you will benefit from the tips and strategies we share in this 45-minute webinar. Oh, and it’s absolutely free, and who doesn’t like freebies?

  • Where are we right now and how did we get here?
  • Where could we go from here?
  • What can you do to take complete control -- no matter what?
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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Financial Planner
As a Financial Planner, Tom has a thorough understanding of the complex issues that must be addressed when preparing a strategic retirement plan.
Tom has always been interested in wealth management, graduating with a Finance degree from Brigham Young University. He attributes his career path to his passion and desire to help enrich peoples’ lives. Tom is motivated by helping people maintain financial independence and their active lifestyle long into retirement by providing a holistic financial review process. Prior to joining TRS, Tom gained extensive experience overseeing client-business relationships, client satisfaction strategies, accounting, budgeting, projections, and financial operations at Abadan, Yakima Valley Farmworkers, and Connell Grain Growers.
Active in his community, Tom volunteers with his local church and with senior citizens. He fills his free time reading, camping, hiking, and gardening. He and his wife, Jana, call the Pacific Northwest home, close to immediate and extended family.