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Sunday Support Session

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 · 11:30 a.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

I've just moved my courses across to a new (and better) platform -- I'm excited, both for me and the help these improved lessons will offer your writing. So I'm holding a support session for people who have bought one of my main writing courses. You're invited!

This live session has three parts:

1. I'm going to walk you through the new set up and show you how to make the most of the courses you own.

2. We'll do an interactive lesson on "character-first" plotting, which is the key philosophy of my online courses. Together, we'll plot out a powerful moment of crisis for your protagonist (their lowest moment in the story).

3. I'll tell you about a live class that I'm teaching in March -- where I'll teach my "character-first" approach to a small group of writers.

PS Take a look at the course (s) you own here:


And you can log in here: https://danieldavidwallace.com/wp-admin/

  • What most writing advice leaves out
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Daniel David Wallace webinar platform hosts Sunday Support Session
Lessons on plot, style, and the creative life from Daniel David Wallace.