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Multifamily Syndication - A Great Alternative Blueprint to Investing

Monday, September 10, 2018 · 8:00 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

1. Rejection, Massive Action and Cultivating a No-Fear Attitude With Vinney Chopra

2. Why Multifamily is a sure bet in Real Estate.

3. Why Family and Friends matter; Especially in OPM. WIN! Win! For all involved

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 4953a89da193
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
CEO, Multifamily Syndicator, Investor, Mentor and Coach
“Vinney Smiles Chopra” , a mechanical engineer, came to the US from India with $7 in his pocket. He sold encyclopedias and bibles door-to-door as a student. He earned his Mechanical Engineering degree in India with distinction. His hard work paid off when he graduated from George Washington University with an M.B.A. (In Marketing). He realized then that he would make his career in “Relationship Building and Networking” field. He became a Real Estate Broker in California in 2004. As a multifamily syndication expert, he has facilitated over 26 successful syndication offerings and has acquired and managed a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $200 million. Vinney has been a professional Fundraising Consultant and Motivational Speaker for over 35 years. He has given over 10,000 exciting speeches and seminars on Fundraising, Positive Thinking, Enthusiasm, Goal Setting, Balanced Living, and has been involved in Business Coaching. He travels and gives live presentations and webinars on Wealth Building, Creating Wealth with Multifamily Investing, Commercial Syndications, OPM Capital Raising Blueprints, Value-Add Win/Win Negotiations, Emerging Markets, Market Cycles, Commercial Properties Analysis, Due Diligence mistakes, investing and managing in Multifamily and the Art of Raising Private Money. He is very passionate to teach all his skills to the new investor students through his many detailed courses and lectures and group live coaching!! You can reach Vinney by Texting the word “Syndication” to 47-47-47 or emailing at vinney@moneilig.com. For more information, visit MoneilInvest.com, VinneyChopra.com, MultifamilyAcademy.com, and MoneilMultifamilyFund.com.
Hosted By
South Atlanta REIA webinar platform hosts Multifamily Syndication - A Great Alternative Blueprint to Investing
Stacy Rossetti's conferences and webinars
Attended (42)