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Lesson 3

About This Webinar

Lesson 3: Developing a strategy for the Reading Section

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $100.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Lead Tutor
Sofia Darsin is the head of new tutor training at SoFlo. Originally from Argentina, Sofia received her undergraduate degree from the University of Florida in Economics and Psychology before completing graduate school at the London School of Economics. Previously, Sofia worked as an Americorps member at John I. Leonard High School. With Sofia’s help 60 high school seniors were able to graduate with a diploma. In High School, Sofia graduated in the top 10 at Cypress Bay High School and was nominated for a Silver Knight award.
Webinar hosting presenter
SAT 1570, ACT 36, Molecular and Cellular Biology @ Harvard
Victoria Wong comes from Harvard University. Originally from New York, Victoria was the valedictorian of the prestigious Stuyvesant High School. Victoria scored a 1570 on the SAT and a 36 on the ACT. At Harvard, she studied Molecular and Cellular Biology and now hopes to be a medical doctor. Victoria is a trained SAT expert with experience helping students raise their SAT scores by 250+ points!
Hosted By
SoFlo Tutors webinar platform hosts Lesson 3
We are exceptional online SAT/ACT tutors and college counselors that develop a personalized strategy tailored to your child's strengths and weaknesses. Our founder Adam Shlomi had an 800 in Reading and 770 in Math on the SAT — good for the 99th percentile on both sections, graduated from Georgetown University, and has been tutoring for five years. We also offer free tutoring to those in need; money shouldn’t stop someone from achieving their dreams.
Attended (8)