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Building a digital strategy plan for the rest of 2020.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Mike Morrison
Founder, Bloggity, Inc.
In 2006, I started a blog called Mike's Bloggity Blog and it's been an adventure ever since. I now run a company called Bloggity Inc. and we run events across the country that specialize in digital marketing. SocialWest is in Calgary, SocialEast in Halifax and SocialCentral in Ottawa.

I also love being an entrepreneur, and love even more talking about being an entrepreneur. I have a podcast called I Quit, where I talk to entrepreneurs about the scariest day of their life: The day they quit their jobs. https://www.iquitpodcast.ca/
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal and Director of Strategy, Jelly Marketing
Darian Kovacs is the principal/director of Strategy at Jelly Marketing and a marketing professor at Trinity Western University. He has worked with various local, national and global brands building and executing on their digital and PR strategy. Recently, he taught a series of series of workshops for the BBB on the topics of social media, digital ads and public relations.
Webinar hosting presenter
Marketing Supervisor, City of Calgary
Attended (195)