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Blessed Mothers: “Dhan Janedi Mau”

About This Webinar

Celebrate Mother’s Day while social distancing as we engage in conversation with Inni Kaur, Neelu Kaur, Mandeep Kaur, and Sharanjeet Kaur to discuss how Sikhi has informed their ideas of motherhood, their challenges, and their triumphs. What does Gurbani say about being a mother? How are we embodying those values? Join us for a live Q&A webinar as we explore these questions.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter SikhRI I
SikhRI connects people with the teachings of Sikhi and strengthens the bonds of the Sikh community around the world by offering courses and seminars in a variety of mediums.
Webinar hosting presenter
Inni Kaur is the Creative Director at the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI). She has served SikhRI in several capacities since 2010, including Chair of the Board, and most recently as CEO. As an accomplished representative of the Sikh community, she is a dedicated advocate for raising awareness of key interfaith and women’s issues. Her list of achievements includes addressing the U.S. Office of the Pentagon Chaplin several times, speaking at Yale, Fairfield, Columbia, and other Universities, as well as presenting to the Connecticut Board of Education and local police departments to further the dialogue regarding the Sikh identity.

Inni Kaur is an esteemed and passionate author, poet, and painter. Recently, she broadened her creative artistry into publishing a children’s book series, Journey with the Gurus, that is inspired by the life and teachings of Guru Nanak Sahib. Her other children’s books are Sakhi-Time with Nani ji, Thank-You, Vahiguru, and Daddy’s Turban. She is passionately involved in trans-creating Sabad and the writings of Bhai Vir Singh. She is a prolific spiritual writer whose work is featured on Sikhchic.com and SikhRI.org.

Inni Kaur has been featured in documentaries related to the Sikh faith. She also worked on I See No Stranger: Early Sikh Art & Devotion exhibit with the Rubin Museum of Art, NY. In 2018 she worked on the exhibit Guru Gobind Sahib: Emperor-Prophet and in 2020 she co-curated the exhibit Guru Nanak Sahib: 1-Ness to 1-Identity.

Inni Kaur is an active member on the Board of the Interfaith Council of Southern Connecticut, an organization devoted to increasing interfaith understanding. She serves on the editorial board of Nishaan, a magazine celebrating Sikh heritage, and is also a board member for Munshi Bishan Singh Kochhar Foundation. In addition, she continues to extend her services and expertise on the Advisory Board of the Sikh Family Center and serves as a local Justice of the Peace.

Following a unique, transnational path, Inni Kaur was born in Kuwait, and lived in New Zealand, Australia, and Greece, before relocating to the United States. Today, she resides in Fairfield, Connecticut, USA, and continues to bring multifaceted perspectives to her work.
Webinar hosting presenter
Mandeep Kaur is born in Punjab, India. She is post graduate in Engineering and came to UK to pursue her PhD in the same. While continuing her studies she was chosen to become the first Sikh Chaplain in the British Armed Forces in October 2005.

Being engineer by education, she believed in practical approach to life and Sikhi has given her that. Since she realized about the core values, by being in the institution of Sikhi, it became her passion to pass it on when and where required. After working voluntarily as a Sikh scholar for about 7 years at Punjab Agricultural University in India, now she gives her full contributions and time towards her passion in the form of her profession which means much more to her than a mere career.

By arranging various interfaith conferences and working as a member of various World Faith groups, she learned to have a responsibility to work in co-operation and mutual respect, as per the teachings of Sikhism, working together through a unified approach brings wonders.

She has provided moral, pastoral and spiritual support in various settings including command, control and disciplined environment as an Advisor and carer in the Defence, hospitals and drug de-addiction centers; where people need it most.

Since 2005, she is serving in this role by supporting serving Sikhs, their families and educating the UK and oversees Defence on any Sikh matters. She has contributed on national and international TV, radio and in other media to promote Guru’s message and has voluntarily presented and lectured in UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, America, India and Canada to name a few. Mandeep has also taken the pioneering role to become the first World Faith Chaplain to join Auxillary Royal Air Force since 2017, making it historical. In 2018, she was awarded Member of British Empire (MBE ) by Her Majesty The Queen for her services to the British Armed Forces and Sikh community around the globe.

Her unique role is promoting a better understanding of Sikhs and Sikh way of life. She hopes it will encourage consistency between various communities, promote harmony and multi faith awareness.

On the family side, she is married to Albel Singh and 3 young kids. She had been blessed with Prabhki Kaur, WaheGuruki Kaur and Gurdaas Singh, who are continuous source of inspiration for her.
Webinar hosting presenter
Sharanjeet Kaur has over 15 years of experience working across diverse portfolios in the public sector. Her career trajectory includes progressive positions in different levels of government, providing leadership in health, education, urban planning, and social service sectors. She has expertise in public administration, governance, strategic planning, community engagement, research, policy, and project management.

Currently, Sharanjeet is the Director of Strategic Integrated Planning with Sheridan College. Sharanjeet holds a Bachelor of Science in Honours Health Studies from the University of Waterloo, and a Master of Public Administration from Queens University. Sharanjeet is the VP of Ontario with the World Sikh Organization of Canada. She is passionate about advancing policy and advocacy, cultural safety training, and asset-based community development through WSO initiatives. Sharanjeet is also actively involved with the Sikh Family Helpline and international student supports.
Webinar hosting presenter
Neelu Singh, is a seeker, and while being on her own inner journey, she realized that being able to help others is what gives her most satisfaction in life. That's when she chose counselling as a profession, and Life Essentials was born. For over 15 years, Neelu has run many group classes and individual sessions to help people in their personal goals, be it relationships, work, or finding their life purpose.

Neelu loves to do community service and has demonstrated women leadership at the forefront. She is the trustee of SEWA organization, that is dedicated to serving the underprivileged children and providing them education and a better life. She is also the General Secretary of Chief Khalsa Diwan, one of the oldest and respectable socio-religious organization, contributing hugely to education and health initiatives.Neelu lives with her joint family, 4 generations together, in their house in New Delhi. She loves to read, write, and gets most inspired in nature. More than going to places on a plane, she prefers the journey within, and finds different ways to connect with 1Force through comparative study of scriptures, her love of the 'shabad', her quiet moments of introspection, and her everyday interactions with the world around her. She believes in the celebration of life, and likes to create joy in little everyday moments.
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Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) webinar platform hosts Blessed Mothers: “Dhan Janedi Mau”
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Attended (87)