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Marketing Validation Training, Go to Market & Accelerate IP Info Session

Thursday, September 28, 2023 · 12:00 p.m. · Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Join us for an engaging Zoom info session where we'll discuss and answer questions about our upcoming programs: Marketing Validation Training, Go to Market & Accelerate IP.

When: Sept 28 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT

Where: Online (the Zoom link will be sent out after you register)

About the Programs:

1. Market Validation Training (MVT)

The Market Validation Training Program has helped more than 1100 entrepreneurs develop a proven strategy for building a sustainable business. Over several months, you will work through course materials, attend workshops, and participate in one-to-one mentoring sessions. Expert facilitators and mentors will help you understand your market, validate your positioning, and more.

By the end of the program, you’ll know who your potential customers are, what investors are looking for, the foundations of a pro forma, and a clear sense of key milestones to move your company forward.

MVT is a hybrid program offered by four accelerators in BC. The four workshops are delivered in person and remotely on Zoom. The sessions start on Monday October 23rd and go through until February. Learn why MVT fits your start-up.

2. Go to Market – A joint program by NRC/IRAP and Rocket Builders

Go to Market is for growth-oriented companies that are beyond initial product adoption (has customer base to validate value and strategy) with sufficient revenue or financing to fund sales and marketing programs.

Learn about a four-month program that features instruction, expert reviews, examples relevant to your company that help you build the skills necessary to execute a successful go-to-market strategy.

The program enables companies to gain knowledge of modern sales and marketing methods, and produce and validate a marketing plan that will drive revenue growth.
Hear why over 210 companies have participated in the Go to Market program over the last decade.

3. Accelerate IP

Hear details of AccelerateIP, a three year, multi million-dollar federal program to improve IP awareness, and support IP strategy and implementation for tech start-ups in BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

AccelerateIP provides access to education, support, and strategy development for protecting, implementing, and leveraging your intellectual property. Learn how your company can qualify to have some costs covered for legal strategy support and implementation, including patents and trademarks.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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SFU VentureLabs webinar platform hosts Marketing Validation Training, Go to Market & Accelerate IP Info Session
SFU VentureLabs® helps companies turn ideas into profitable, sustainable businesses, supporting them with programs and services for what they need most, when they need it most.