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BC Virtual Science Fair Celebration

About This Webinar

Over the last few weeks, the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted everyone in our community in a multitude of ways. With regards to Science Fairs, the cancellation of the School, Regional, and Canada-Wide Science Fairs meant that students who worked alone or with a partner for anywhere between 2 weeks to 11 months, no longer have a venue to share their findings with peers, experts, and the wider community. The British Columbia Virtual Science Fair (BCVSF) strives to facilitate this connection of like-minded individuals and their ideas, to help support these inquisitive students.

We are excited to announce that 195 students from throughout BC have registered for the Virtual Science Fair. We are currently working with volunteer mentors to provide feedback and mentorship to these budding scientists. On June 17, we invite you to join us for the virtual awards ceremony where, thanks to the generous support from our community, we will be recognizing the incredible work these students have accomplished. Join us at 11:00am on June 17, 2020 to help cheer them on, hear from guest speakers and see a special Science Show hosted by Science World!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By
Science Fair Foundation BC webinar platform hosts BC Virtual Science Fair Celebration
The Science Fair Foundation of BC is the largest volunteer science outreach network in the province supporting science and technology education by inspiring curiosity through the Science Fair program. With over 1,500 science and technology educators and professionals volunteering as mentors, judges and science fair hosts; SFFBC’s Science Fair Program is recognized as one of the most successful in Canada.
Attended (4)