Master Courses: DESIGN

Benvenuti / Welcome!

Partecipa alle presentazioni dei Master dell'area Design!

I Master dell’area Design permettono di approfondire le tue competenze tecniche e progettuali attraverso workshop e collaborazioni con aziende leader di settore. L’offerta formativa contribuisce alla costruzione della tua identità professionale; fatti interprete e anticipatore delle linee e delle esigenze funzionali della nostra epoca scegliendo all’interno di un’ampia gamma di corsi: strategie per l’innovazione, sviluppo di prodotto, design di oggetti, spazi, servizi e trasporti.

Scegli l'area di tuo interesse!


Take part in the presentations of the Master courses of the Design Area!

The Master courses in the Design area allow you to deepen your technical and design skills through workshops and collaborations with leading companies in the sector. The academic offer contributes in the development of the own professional identity; anticipate the lines and functional requirements of our times by choosing from a wide range of courses: strategies for innovation, product development, design of objects, spaces, services and transport.

Choose the area of your interest!
  • Online - ENG Language
    Master of Arts in Transdisciplinary Design - IED Milano & IED Torino
    March 7th - 12.30 pm CEST
  • Online - Lingua Italiana
    Cultural Heritage, Decorative Arts and Design - IED Milano
    9 marzo - ore 10.00
  • Online - ENG Language
    Interior Design - IED Milano
    March 9th - 11.30 am CEST
  • Online - ENG Language
    Interior Design for Hospitality - IED Roma
    March 9th - 12.00 pm CEST
  • Online - ENG Language
    Master in Transportation Design - IED Torino
    March 9th - 12.30 pm CEST
  • Online - ENG Language
    Master in Yacht Design - IED Torino
    March 9th - 02.00 pm CEST
  • Online - ENG Language
    Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - IED Milano
    March 9th - 02.30 pm CEST
  • Online - ENG Language
    User Experience Design - IED Milano & IED Roma
    March 9th - 04.30 pm CEST
  • Online - Lingua Italiana
    Exhibit and Interior Design - IED Roma
    9 marzo - ore 18.00