David and Ty King have been in ministry with the C&MA for 40 years. They offer a Kingdom perspective on the church, mission and ministry from a wide spectrum. From student ministry, campus ministry at Penn State University, church planting in Bangkok, seminary teaching at Bangkok Bible Seminary, pastoring in York, Pennsylvania and finally leading the Evangelical Church of Bangkok staff for 12 years they have served in a broad range of capacities. With a commitment to developing praying people and seeing churches become “outreach-based”, David and Ty seek to simplify ministry to focus on the words and commands of Jesus for His people. Ty has written two books to help to train believers in seeking the heart of God by personalizing and applying the Word of God - to “Pray the Word”. The Kings have 6 children and 7 grandchildren and currently reside in York, Pennsylvania.
The Alliance
Join Us in Prayer
40 Days of Prayer Week One: The Holiness of God
40 Days of Prayer Week Two: The Eternality and Unchangeableness of God
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 · 7:30 PM EST
40 Days of Prayer Week Three: The Sovereignty of God
40 Days of Prayer Week Four: The Power of God
40 Days of Prayer Week Five: The Love of God
40 Days of Prayer Week Six: The Grace and Mercy of God