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Stilling the Mind, the Key to Meditation

About This Webinar

Research has shown that meditation can help us remain in a state of calm and equipoise during moments of life’s ups and downs. It also benefits our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Control of the mind and the senses is necessary for progress in meditation. Quieting the ever wandering “monkey mind” keeps the attention deeply engaged in meditation.

This highly interactive workshop/dialogue will review and discuss the tips and techniques in SOS Meditation that help calm the chatter of the mind, and center our attention on the loving soul that we are within.

The format of this online session will:
- begin with a brief meditation
- introduce some important tips and techniques for stilling the mind
- move to an interactive discussion with the participants around these tips and techniques, and how meditation helps us lead a more spiritually focused life
- conclude with a 15 minute meditation

This webinar is aimed to provide unique insights around the art and science behind the practice of meditation. Whether you are an experienced meditator or just a beginner, these will help strengthen your technique.

This is offered by Science of Spirituality, a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation.

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Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 06ff76179028
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Science of Spirituality webinar platform hosts Stilling the Mind, the Key to Meditation
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