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Friday 17 November: Workshop 2 - Novel approaches to veterinary vaccines (part 2)

About This Webinar

Workshop 2
Novel approaches to the development of veterinary vaccines to control bacterial infections

12h30: Introduction and Aims
12h40: Importance of designing the vaccine TPP for translational research (Paul Wood, Monash University, Australia)
12h50: Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) for bacterial vaccinology (Adam Cunningham, BactiVac, UK)
13h00: Bacterial glycoconjugate vaccines (delivered by the panel) (Brendan Wren, LSHTM, UK) (pre-recorded)
13h10: Viral vectors for veterinary vaccinology (Michael Jarvis, The Vaccine Group, UK) (pre-recorded)
13h20: mRNA platforms for veterinary vaccinology (Helba Bredell, Afrigen, SA)
13h30: STAR-IDAZ vaccine roadmaps (Gary Entrican, University of Edinburgh, UK)
13h40: DISCONTOOLS bacterial vaccines gaps (Johannes Charlier, Kreavet, Belgium)

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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