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The Death of the “Single Source of Truth” and Why “Distributed Truth” is the New Path Forward

About This Webinar

A talk by Mollie Bodensteiner & Aaron Landgraf. Organizations have spent years in search of the holy grail, the “Single Source of Truth” only to learn that they may as well have been hunting for the Loch Ness Monster. The SSoT doesn’t actually exist for most modern SaaS businesses, and not every organization can afford the immense cost of building a team of data scientists, engineers, and analysts to focus on data accuracy and quality. Even modern approaches of centralizing everything in a “data lake” are failing, as these lakes quickly become data swamps or deserts. The problem? Businesses can’t agree on their internal lingua franca – and with every departmental source of truth speaking its own language, aligning every system and team with consistent data often feels impossible.

It’s time to be realistic and say goodbye to the dream of a Single Source of Truth and recognize that the new path forward is “Distributed Truth” – you actually can have accurate data and still allow each department in your organization to rely on their most important system of record.

In this panel discussion, you’ll learn how to modernize your revenue operations by embracing Distributed Truth, empowering your organizations to:

- Reduce manual work for their data and RevOps teams so they can focus on more strategic initiatives
- Improve data accuracy so leaders can be confident in their decisions
- Allow departments to confidently rely on their most important system of record so they can do their jobs efficiently and effectively
- Eliminate silos and enable better coordination across departments

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Attended (47)