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Evidence-Based Practice in Action

About This Webinar

There is a huge amount of literature available on wound care practices, but how do we know what information is valid and reliable? Many nurses have a solid background in conventional nursing practices; however, those practices differ across countries, across settings, and even among nurses on the same team. Because of this variation in practice patient outcomes are adversely affected, healing is slowed down and the cost of care rises. How can we evaluate what practices are based on tradition and what practices are really driven by evidence?

This session will provide a basis in evidence-based practice. I will explain how to formulate a question that can be answered and conduct an efficient search. We will talk about the various databases that exist, what function they have and how to use them effectively. We will talk about study types and design and how that can influence the results.

I will present critical appraisal and how to use it to interpret research findings. I will review the most recent and strongest evidence to support clinical wound care practices based on a thorough literature review and synthesis to show how to interpret the literature in a practical way and use it to change clinical practice. I will provide the best evidence available on wound care. A method to interpret the literature and a summary of evidence-based practices.

1.0 Nursing CE. This education is provided FREE courtesy of Net Health. By completing this course for FREE, you are agreeing to share your contact information, and/or survey information with Relias LLC and these promotional partners for potential marketing purposes.

  • Understand how to appraise evidence.
  • Identify resources to help them appraise articles.
  • Understand how to apply evidence to their clinical practice.
Who can view: Channel admins and those who can manage the webinar
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
DNP, RN, CCRN, WCC Nurse Scientist, University of New Mexico Hospital
Christina completed her doctoral studies at Johns Hopkins University in Adult-Gerontology Critical Care, Clinical Nurse Specialist track focused on research translation to bedside practice. In her nursing career she worked as a staff nurse for 4 years in a Level One Trauma Center in a Trauma-Surgical, Burn Intensive care unit in Albuquerque New Mexico. Before that she served as a Wound Care/Enterostomal Therapy Nurse for 3 years, and 2 years in Progressive Care in Lakeland, Florida. She currently serves the Nurse Scientist for the University of New Mexico Hospital.