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PCRS Webinar: Conference abstracts and poster presentations – the key to success!

About This Webinar

Whether you have submitted abstracts before, or want to and need some support, this is the webinar for you.

In this one hour live webinar we will cover:

- What type of data you can turn into an abstract.
- The key elements of abstract writing, including how to write concisely and keeping within word count.
- Poster preparation: tips for designing your poster, including key headings.
- Oral Presentations: what to expect / how to prepare.

Please join us for this interactive webinar featuring Q&A at the end of the session.

Submissions of Scientific Research, Best Practice and Service Development Abstracts to the PCRS Conference are open until 30th June 2023: https://www.pcrs-uk.org/conference/abstracts

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Jane is a registered adult nurse having qualified in 1997 from University College London. She has specialised in Respiratory medicine since 2001 and has gained experience in a variety of healthcare settings, including community and primary care. Jane has a specialist interest in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), both in supporting patients and the healthcare staff that care for this population. Jane has worked within respiratory medicine since 2000 in a variety of clinical and teaching roles across primary, community, secondary, tertiary, health care settings as well as Higher Educational Institutions. She is very interested in investigating factors that influence behaviour change, which not only impacts upon health related quality of life for this population, but also has the potential to advance the healthcare practitioners role in caring for those with respiratory disease. Jane is passionate about COPD care, improving the research to practice delay and advancing advanced clinical practice roles at a practice and strategic level. Jane is particularly enjoying her personal research skill development and the new evidence that is being discovered within her COPD, primary care focused PhD journey which will be completed later on 2021. She has published a variety of papers and is very excited moving from a trustee position to that of PCRS research lead. Please do feel free to contact me to discuss research, including any personal research aspirations.
Webinar hosting presenter
GP in Oxford and a clinical researcher and tutor at the University of Oxford
Helen Ashdown is a GP in Oxford and a clinical researcher and tutor at the University of Oxford, where she has both a clinical and research interest in respiratory medicine. She has carried out projects in childhood respiratory infection, sarcoidosis and whooping cough. She is particularly interested in primary care diagnosis, especially near-patient testing, and is currently investigating whether we can use blood eosinophils and fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) to better target which patients with COPD will most benefit from inhaled steroids. She teaches evidence-based medicine and research methods to medical students and GP trainees. Outside of work, she enjoys climbing mountains and running.
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Epidemiologist at Observational & Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI UK)
Andy has over 20 years’ experience of academic research and his main research interest are respiratory epidemiology and primary care. He is a Senior Epidemiologist at Observational & Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI UK). Prior to joining OPRI he worked at University of Birmingham (2011-2021) conducting national and international respiratory research studies, and before that he conducted various primary care research studies at University of Exeter (2003-2011) where he completed his PhD.
Attended (16)