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Sustainable Solvent Recycling On-site with Automated Rotary Evaporation systems

About This Webinar

20 Minute Webinar

In this HEI-VAP-seminar by Heidolph, you will be shown how a rotary evaporator can be modified into a 24/7 running recycling station.

The liquid management of the process will be controlled by an automated module that helps to reduce the demand of new solvents. Operating costs and environmental footprint will be optimised. The huge potential of this new workflow will be verified by a professional case study.

Webinar speakers

This webinar is presented by Jürgen Heyder, Nate Kunzer and Lee Hibbett.

Lee Hibbett, Technician Manager, has worked in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham for the last 32 years and recently set up the Technical Sustainability Working Group (TSWG). The TSWG is a group of lab technicians, from across the University’s Nottingham and Derby campuses, working to embed sustainability within labs.

If you have any issues registering for this webinar, please email webinars@radleys.com

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Radleys Webinars
Business Development Manager bei Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
Webinar hosting presenter
Product and Application Specialist, Process Chemistry at Heidolph North America
Webinar hosting presenter
Technical Manager, Pharmacy School, University of Nottingham