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Automation of chemical processes and remote data logging in R&D laboratories

About This Webinar

45 minute webinar

At this time of social distancing in our laboratories when we need to minimise the number of people in the lab, automation and data-logging can help chemists to continue their chemical research and development under safe, controlled conditions.

Automation of chemical processes in research and development laboratories has been available on different platforms for many years. Having the ability to run recipes and automatically respond to conditions which may arise, offers a level of safety to allow overnight or unattended reactions to be performed safely, and have the data recorded.

This webinar will be a case study of a scale-up group, using an automated addition to control an exothermic reaction, and the use of safety feedback loops to pause and restart the addition based on process temperature.

Key Learning Objectives:

1. How automating reaction systems can benefit chemists
2. The use of automated feedback loops with controlled additions

Who should watch?

1. Process Research and Development Chemists
2. Chemists who have reactions which need to be left unattended

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter Radleys Webinars
International Territory Manager
Steve joined Radleys in 2006 as International Territory Manager for the Americas, India and parts of Europe. He has a passion for chemistry and in particular helping solve the challenging technical issues that chemists face in the laboratory.
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager