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Azure Infrastructure as Software with TypeScript

About This Webinar

Microsoft Azure’s product offering is continuously evolving, and infrastructure tools often can’t keep up with the speed of innovation. Pulumi’s Azure Native provider is built directly from the Azure API, bringing power of familiar programming languages to Azure without sacrificing on latest features.

In this workshop, we’ll use the Azure native provider to build infrastructure using Pulumi’s TypeScript SDK and examine some of the features not previously possible.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By
Pulumi webinar platform hosts Azure Infrastructure as Software with TypeScript
Pulumi’s mission is to democratize the cloud for every engineer.
Its open-source Infrastructure as Code tool enables engineers to write infrastructure code in any programming language. Build infrastructure intuitively on any cloud with TypeScript, JavaScriptPython, Go, C#, Java, and YAML.
Attended (10)