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Project Status Reporting using Office Exporter

About This Webinar

In a world where everything is changing so fast, and the digitalization is the new main topic, we need to make sure that Project Managers can follow this pace. Therefore Projectum has developed a tool in particular for the Project Managers to easily create Steering group reports or Status reports in their favourite format Word or PowerPoint. We think that Project Managers should spend less time putting together their reports and spend more time managing their project and project team.

With the Office Exporter app, we have made it possible to easily create a report based on data and predefined templates with one single click and a waiting time of less than 20 seconds. This ensures that Project Managers can wait until 1 minute before their steering group meetings to create their reports, and furthermore, the format will be alike for all project managers at the meeting, which means they also have aligned structure for the report with this App.

Level: Intermediate

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  • Create a report template from scratch
  • Manage data in template
  • Setup the App on relevant page
  • Live example of report creation
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 3c7b38e4ccec
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior PPM Consultant at Projectum ApS
Peter is a Senior PPM Consultant or Projectum. He creates solutions for Project and Portfolio Management in medium/large businesses, providing and developing project, program, resource and portfolio management solutions for organizations primarily using Project Online, and building great reports and Power BI dashboards.
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Projectum webinar platform hosts Project Status Reporting using Office Exporter
The place to go for knowledge on PPM & Microsoft trends 
Attended (12)