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How to improve children's core strength - w-sitting and balance

About This Webinar

Do you have students in your class who struggle to sit still in a cross-legged position?

Do you care for children who w-sit?

Are you concerned about childrens' balance, development, and coordination?

The change in our children's development over the past 5 years is alarming.

Children are struggling to stand on one foot for 3 seconds, sit in w-sitting position, and find it uncomfortable laying on their tummy because their neck and core strength is poor.

But the good news is that there are simple activities that we can do each day to make up for our change in lifestyle.

Join us for an hour to learn how core strength creates w-sitting and fatigue and discover simple strategies that only take 2 to 5 minutes!


  • What is core strength and why do children need a strong core?
  • Learn how core strength creates w-sitting
  • Discover why we need core strength for crawling, tummy time, handwriting, and balance
  • Learn 5 simple strategies that are fun and easy to do each day to improve core strength
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: $4.00
Webinar ID: f371678c6b64
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Robyn Papworth
Developmental Educator, Exercise Physiologist, Trainer
I am passionate about giving children the start that they deserve and helping children to learn, develop and grow to their potential.

I empower and support early learning educators, teachers and parents and I advocate children who find learning challenging.
Hosted By
Play Move Improve webinar platform hosts How to improve children's core strength - w-sitting and balance
Robyn Papworth's conferences and webinars
Attended (3)