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Tax planning Changes Through the 4 Stages of Retirement

About This Webinar

Most people pay more taxes in retirement than is necessary. Because they don't understand the role of taxes in retirement, they end up stumbling into horrific, costly mistakes.

This webinar discusses the following four key ideas:

• Key #1: You have to know what your “after-tax” retirement savings picture looks like BEFORE retiring: The types of accounts you hold and when you tap them can have a dramatic impact on your actual retirement savings.

• Key #2: Social Security and Medicare have their own "tax traps" and you need to plan for them, too.

• Key #3: The timing of when you tap various savings throughout the four different phases of your retirement life impacts your tax rate and must be managed.

• Key #4: You must have a “Retirement Tax Strategy” that manages your assets for an “optimal draw down” so you pay as few taxes as necessary.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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