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Master Apache Kafka Streams in Neo4j

About This Webinar

Learn how Neo4j can be used to integrate with Kafka using Neo4j Streams.
This module teaches you change-data-capture and ingestion capabilities for a Neo4j application using Apache Kafka so you can integrate real-time streaming with graph querying and analytics.
You will perform hands-on exercises using pre-configured Docker containers; allowing you, in the end, to understand how to integrate Neo4j in a Polyglot architecture by using Apache Kafka.

- A notebook with Docker and Docker compose installed;
- Basic Apache Kafka knowledge;
- Cypher coding experience;
- Some programming experience in Java.

At the completion of this training, you should be able to:
- Stream Data from Neo4j to Kafka via the Change Data Capture
- Ingesting the Data with the Neo4j Sink from Kafka by using the strategy that mostly fits with your use-case
- Learn about different strategies you can use
- Use the Neo4j Streams procedures in order to Publish/Consume data to/from Apache Kafka

Prior to this training session, please review the setup instructions for setting up your laptop to perform the hands-on exercises.


The downloads for this setup will take approximately 1.5 hours!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Andrea Santurbano
Andrea Santurbano is CTO at LARUS Business Automation (the integrator leader for Neo4j) with seven years of experience developing high-performance, mission-critical systems, and large-scale data pipelines across multiple and heterogeneous systems. Andrea loves open source and contributed to several big data projects, such as Apache Zeppelin, Cypher for Apache Spark and others for the Neo4j ecosystem. As a developer, he’s very curious about discovering new technologies and enjoys the continuous learning process that allows making things better every day.
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