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Founder & CEO
Pascal Desmarets is the founder and CEO of Hackolade. He leads all efforts involving business strategy, product innovation, and customer relations, as it focuses on producing user-friendly, powerful visual tools to smooth the onboarding of NoSQL technology in corporate IT landscapes.

Hackolade is the pioneer for data modeling of NoSQL databases and JSON in RDBMS. It is the only data modeling tool for Neo4j, MongoDB, Cassandra, ArangoDB, Couchbase, Cosmos DB, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, EventBridge Schema Registry, Glue Data Catalog, HBase, Hive, MarkLogic, Snowflake, SQL Server, Synapse, TinkerPop, etc. It also applies its visual design to Avro, JSON Schema, Parquet, Swagger and OpenAPI, and is rapidly adding new targets for its physical data modeling engine.

The software helps functional analysts, designers, architects, and DBAs involved with NoSQL technology achieve greater transparency and control, resulting in reduced development time, increased application quality, and lower execution risks across the enterprise.
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Neo4j Event webinar platform hosts Visual Data Modeling for Neo4j
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